Monday, February 1

Birthday In Dublin

I'm now officially 20!!!! A group of us went into Dublin to celebrate on Saturday. A speedy train ride (only 20 mins) took us into the heart of the city and we headed straight off to major tourist destinations. First we visited Trinity College, one of the oldest and most respected universities in the world. It's beautiful architecture made the trip worthwhile and the cobblestone sidewalks made me love Ireland more and more =) The grassy knolls were off limits, but we sneaked in a step just to get a good picture ;)

After Trinity College, we headed over to Temple Bar Cultural Center to grab a bite to eat. We had an English meal of fish and chips in a cozy pub. Then we ran off to Dublin Castle and St. Patrick's Cathedral. Both were absolutely stunning coupled with the setting sun. Then we headed down to the mall to get some shopping in for the girls of the group, where I bought myself a nice European scarf =) Then we planned on going to a local pub when three of us decided to get a ride on a horse-drawn carriage. We were whisked around the city, glimpsing the sunset in between buildings and bathing in the orange twilight.
After the ride, we decided to hitch a train back to Maynooth and enjoy a birthday dinner in my honor. We had pasta with a tossed salad (gourmet, I know haha). For dessert, Mary and Alayne baked me some brownies, topped with 20 candles, and everyone sang me Happy Birthday. It was a wonderful dinner and I'm so thankful for all my new friends =) After dinner, we had a night out on the town. I got dressed up in some clothes I had bought earlier and we headed over to the Roost. We tried to get as many Irish boys as possible to kiss my cheeks and buy me drinks. I ended up having an amazing birthday, and it was a wonderful start to an adventurous semester! The last two days I've been going to the pubs and just enjoying myself there. No, I haven't gotten really drunk. You can just sit and enjoy the company at the pubs. It's a much calmer atmosphere than American bars.

On a more studious note, I started classes today!! I had Irish Studies (Literature) and Irish History. Unfortunately, I was quite bored in both, but I think once I get more sleep the night before, my attention span will increase ;) Well I'm having a great time here, and I can't wait to get out and travel even more!!! Love you all!!

Megan =)

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