Wednesday, February 10

Joining the Irish

Well it's been exactly two weeks now, and it feels like it's been two months. I feel right at home, surrounded by friends that have made my life so much more enjoyable. I have close friends from France, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Palestine, and even America! Hopefully I'll learn from this cultural mixture and be more accepting of differences =) Oh, yeah -- and I forgot to mention my Irish friends. So far I haven't really met a whole lot of Irish folk, other than the Gaelic football team and a few other random lads. But they're absolutely hysterical. I love the Irish accent and I'm beginning to fall in love with the culture. I'm seriously thinking about moving here once i graduate from college in America. I don't know how to leave a place so saturated in history.

The architecture is just stunning as well. I love photography and took my DLSR over to south campus to shoot a few of the buildings and ended up spending 3 hours on only a quarter of the campus!! The rest of my pictures can be found at
Beyond that, nothing new has really happened. I've just been enjoying my time with my friends and doing everything I can to have fun! I cooked an authentic Italian meal with an Italian, had an Irish guy cook me dinner, and ate a delicious meal at a local pub. I jumped the train to Dublin and went through an epic viking museum, watching Brendan get into a fight with the gift shop owner along the way. Well, those are my epic adventures for now. I'll be back later with more stories to share =)

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