Friday, January 29


Well, here I am! I've arrived in Ireland, and I have had no time at all to write my blog!! I'm eating a really quick breakfast right now of a pear and cottage cheese. I tried the oatmeal and decided it was better in the trash can ;) Haha the irish don't understand the concept of oatmeal.

Anyway! So far I've explored Maynooth, gone to a pub, had my first Guiness, gone to orientation, explored North Campus, ate at the school bar (yes, there's a bar made specifically for students!!!), made a spaghetti dinner (or watched a friend make it...) and talked to few new people =) I never really experienced much jet lag; I'm mostly tired from having to wake up early and go to orientation =/ It's really boring and doesn't apply to us most of the time.

Tomorrow is my birthday! Haha it's crazy for me to understand that... I already celebrated it in America. But a group of us are gonna go in to Dublin tomorrow and have a fun =)

That's all I have time for right now... I've gotta get ready! I'm leaving in 10 minutes for orientation, then I'll FINALLY get my Irish cell phone! I desperately need contact with other people. We live in such ancient times right now.

Megan =)

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