Friday, January 29

Settling In

Today we took a tour of the campus. It was so overwhelming, because there are actually TWO campuses and they're both quite big. North campus (where I live) is really modern and has pretty ugly buildings. They're a bit worn down and have a bunch of ugly colors... (seriously, orange and red?? come on..) But we took the bridge over to south and it's like a completely different era... All the buildings are hundreds of years old and breathtakingly beautiful. I really don't know if I can leave Ireland now that I've seen south campus. It's so my style. There's a secret garden (picture) and it has stone for you to walk through the pond... and it's right in front of the cathedral. Doesn't get much better. I'm definitely coming back really soon with my DSLR and taking a LOT of pictures of this place =) But I still need to go take pictures of the town too!!

After the tour a group of us walked into town to get cell phones. We had to go all the way to Tesco, but it was so worth it. I finally have an Irish phone and can text and call people here!! It was kinda of expensive, but it's a pretty nice phone =) It's just so sad that I can't contact anyone from back home.

My life sort of feels on overdrive. Everything is happening really really fast. Tomorrow's my birthday and we're going into Dublin, but I can't believe it's already Saturday!!!!!! It still feels like I just got here yesterday... Well I need to go get ready for a night on the town. It's 6 here and all the international students are meeting at the Roost (a local pub, left) to get to know each other better. Hopefully I'll have a great night and an even better birthday tomorrow!

Megan =)


Well, here I am! I've arrived in Ireland, and I have had no time at all to write my blog!! I'm eating a really quick breakfast right now of a pear and cottage cheese. I tried the oatmeal and decided it was better in the trash can ;) Haha the irish don't understand the concept of oatmeal.

Anyway! So far I've explored Maynooth, gone to a pub, had my first Guiness, gone to orientation, explored North Campus, ate at the school bar (yes, there's a bar made specifically for students!!!), made a spaghetti dinner (or watched a friend make it...) and talked to few new people =) I never really experienced much jet lag; I'm mostly tired from having to wake up early and go to orientation =/ It's really boring and doesn't apply to us most of the time.

Tomorrow is my birthday! Haha it's crazy for me to understand that... I already celebrated it in America. But a group of us are gonna go in to Dublin tomorrow and have a fun =)

That's all I have time for right now... I've gotta get ready! I'm leaving in 10 minutes for orientation, then I'll FINALLY get my Irish cell phone! I desperately need contact with other people. We live in such ancient times right now.

Megan =)

Sunday, January 17

Ok so I've decided to keep a blog while studying abroad in Ireland! I figure I can keep everyone updated and maybe feel a little closer while miles and miles away =) I leave in NINE DAYS!!! I'm so excited!!

Now, I'm taking only 12 credit hours because I want to enjoy Europe as much as I can ;) I'm taking Ireland Since the 1800's (History), Culture: Universals & Differences (Anthropology), Irish Studies (English Literature), and Themes in Fundamental Moral Theology (Religion). I'll also be a part of the Amnesty International club, Paintball club, Fencing Club and Self Defense/Martial Arts club!! I'm staying in an apartment complex, but it's very similar to dorm rooms and really close to campus.

Well, I can't wait to get there, and I'll write again once I do!!

Megan =)