Tuesday, June 8

Last Two Weeks

The last two weeks of my time in Ireland have been the best and worst. Although I grew so much closer to my new friends, I also know that it will be months before I see them again in the Spring. As for my Irish friends that I'm leaving behind, I will be lucky if I ever see them again at all. True to Irish culture and tradition, we ended the semester with crazy parties and fun memories. One thing's for sure: me and the other SMC chicks will be keeping up Irish tradition once we get back together in the Fall ;)

I'll never forget the people I met and things I did. From my very first SMC trip up until Galway, I had a great time traveling Europe and the Irish countryside. Dublin remains my favorite city in the world and I cannot wait until I go back (and I will be going back, believe you me!). The only regrets I have are not meeting my great friends sooner in the semester. But honestly, how could I have planned that out!? The wonderful thing is that our paths eventually crossed and we shared some incredible times in Ireland (and Paris!). I wish I could write down all the amazing times I had, but that would take far far too long.

How have I changed during my time in Ireland? Well... That's a long story. I definitely think Ireland has considerably opened my mind. Yes, it is okay to drive on the other side of the road! Haha but in all seriousness, I no longer feel so attached to my "American-ness". The rest of the world has it goin on as well, ye know. I've realized that religious, political, national, and so many other barriers are pointless and only hinder people from loving people. I'm friends with Atheists and Catholics, Libertarians and Liberals, Turks and Russians -- and very happy with all of them =)

I've also discovered a lot of freedom while I've been away. I now know how it feels to be an adult -- living on my own, cooking on my own, managing money on my own, and being completely responsible for myself and my safety. It feels good. I'm a grown woman now. I went to Ireland a teenager and came back an adult.

I'm going to miss my home in Maynooth. Not only because it's a cute little cobblestone town and there's no persecution for your beliefs, but because of the people that changed my life and my way of thinking. I'd like to thank my closest Irish friend, Eoin =) and yeah, Simon as well! And my SMC chicks, Colleen and Alayne -- and Katt! (you're an honorary SMC chick) And the crazy, crazy boys of Hurley 3.

Thank you so much for making me a better person. I'll never forget you and how you made me who I am =)

Goodbye, Maynooth. I'll see you again soon, probably even more changed than when I left you last.
Goin out with a bang ;)


So I went to Galway a little while ago! If you don't know what or where Galway is, it's only the very best city in Ireland!! Or, well... Okay, I definitely think Dublin is the best, but Galway is MOST Irish. It looks just like Diagon Alley from Harry Potter! The city center is just a cute little road that's all cobblestone and the buildings are all tradition Irish-looking. I went to this amazing little town with Katt, whom I've become great friends with in Ireland =) We took a 3 hour bus ride from Maynooth straight to Galway and got off in the town square. After approaching strangers and placing a call back to my Irish friends in Maynooth, we eventually found our hostel, which was located RIGHT on the main road!!

That night we explored the little town and found this adorable cafe down a random alley, called the Cobblestone Cafe (SOMEDAY I WILL OWN A BAKERY EXACTLY LIKE THIS ONE!!!!) and ate some traditional Irish bread and butter pudding. It was delicious! Then we walked around a bit until we found a cute Italian restaurant on the main road. I got a glass of wine and enjoyed the live music with my pizza dinner =)

Afterwards, Katt and I explored the town, visiting the Spanish Arch, the riverbank, and the Claddagh. Funny story here. Our map showed a dot that said "The Claddagh". So we wandered over in that direction and walked around for bit, not finding anything. Eventually I walked up to a little boy and asked where the Claddagh is. His response? You're in the Claddagh. You've been in the Claddagh for probably the last ten minutes. Haha so its just this big hunk of land along the river! But it was nice getting lost in Galway.

The next morning, we woke up super early to catch the bus tour to the Cliffs of Moher. We had a very interesting and slightly silly tour guide -- he made the day that much more enjoyable. On the way to the cliffs, we stopped by a castle (go figure, in Ireland), a tree fairy (as I took the picture the tour guide snuck up behind me and scared me in front of the whole group then blamed it on the leprechauns haha), and a tomb in the Burren Mountains. We grabbed dinner in Doolin, a cute little traditional Irish town where I had my first Irish stew (DELICIOUS) in a pub. Finally, we made it to the Cliffs!! And wow, they did not disappoint. First of all, this weekend had UNBELIEVABLY nice weather -- clear skies with a few puffy clouds and 80 degree temps. Katt and I took some crazy awesome pictures and maybe got a little too close to the edge ;) but hey, it was worth it!!

Afterwards, we took the coast route back to Galway, which was breathtaking. We stopped by these mini cliffs, which were almost better than the Cliffs of Moher!! Once we got back into town, Katt and I ate at an Irish pub then headed out to see the nightlife. We had a pint (well I did, she had a Cosmo, yum!) at the King's Head and got creeped on by a local. Once we escaped, we stumbled upon an American pub! It was there that I rode on my first ever mechanical bull. And yes, it was epic.

The next day we walked to Salthill and enjoyed the sunny weather on the beach. I found some sea shells to add to my collection from Florida (both sides of the Altlantic woot!) and we watched a dog play in the tide. When we got back, we got lunch at Quay's, where I tried oysters for the first (and last) time! It was fun trying something new, but sorry, not for me!! Then we went to the Claddagh ring store and we each bought an authentic Irish Claddagh ring =) Then we shopped around a bit for souvenirs and whatnot, discovering the town. I mailed my postcards to Simon and Eoin (who don't even appreciate my amazing handwriting!!!!) and got a banana ice cream cone! Then we got dinner at McDonagh's and upon Eoin's recommendation I tried the Seafood Chowder. Good work, Eoin.

Then we sat on the riverbank and watched some Irish boys play soccer as swans swam on by. It was a relaxing evening watching the sunset. Unfortunately, our trip ended there and we had to catch the bus back home to Maynooth. It was an absolutely amazing weekend and I didn't want to leave!!! I will most definitely be back.