Tuesday, February 23

Traveling the Country!

So I haven't posted anything in a pretty long time, but I've done a LOT in the past two weeks. I went on a trip with the Saint Mary's girls to Newgrange and Tara, which are different but both are super duper old. They look like mounds of dirt, but they're intricately placed stones with soil covering the top, and then grass grew all around it -- so it looks like a hill, but when you walk inside it's like a cave. And after 5,000 years rain STILL doesn't leak inside. They were pretty brilliant ancient dudes. We also went to some ruins -- they explained what they were, but we were too interested in taking pictures to pay attention =)

That week was really amazing, I started to become closer friends with the international students and even branch out to meet some Irish people, too! My Italian friend, Ruggero (or Roger), cooked me, Meagan, Mary, and Ben an authentic Italian dinner. It was similar to pizza, but wrapped up and fried. It was ssooo good! So then, the next week on the same day our French friend, Ben, cooked a French dinner! He made us bread with goat cheese, raw salmon! (it sounds scary, but was ssoooo good), and rice with chicken in an amazing sauce. Now it's our turn to make a stereotypical American meal, but we're kind of lost for ideas. I mean, seriously, what is American? We don't wanna serve them McDonald's, so if you guys have any suggestions, shoot me an e-mail =) Beyond that, my Irish friend, Eoin, has cooked me numerous meals, and they're all really, really delicious. And he uses lamb, which is so strange, but apparently quite common here. And he's also responsible for my ability to cook pasta. SCORE! Megan Reece can now cook something!!! I've also taken up baking while I've been here. It's kind of humorous how little baking the Irish people do. I made brownies, which didn't turn out nearly as well as they should have, and my roommates were thrilled with them. I'm going to bake a huge batch of cookies sometime this week, because most people have never tasted homemade cookies here!! It's a tragedy and has become my responsibility to save these poor, innocent people ;) I just need to wait til I'm feeling a bit better, because I've recently fallen ill with a cold.

Okay, so due to a lack of homework and a large, expendable amount of time on our hands, my American friends I have come up with new and innovative ways to entertain ourselves. Well, okay, we stole the idea from Eoin's friends, who pranked him, but we had some fun with with Gaelic football team's rooms while they were visiting home last weekend. While they were out, we labelled EVERY item in their rooms, including parts of the room itself with Post-Its. So Tadhg, Mickey, and Tommy now have Post-Its labeling things as "Tommy's ceiling" or "Tadhg's toilet paper." Two weeks later and they're still too lazy to take them all down. Victory. Our next victim will be Brendan. It may involve putting someone's favorite crackers in Jello... ;)

This past weekend I went on another trip with the Saint Mary's girls to Cahir Castle, Rock of Cashel, and Dunmore cave. Yes, you heard me, caves! Cahir Castle was my favorite simply because I've never seen a legitimate medieval castle before. It was even equipped with a dungeon and moat =) However, the best part of the weekend wasn't the site but the company. My best friend from Notre Dame, Miss Laura Taylor, came to visit!! She's studying abroad in Rome right now, so she came up for the weekend to see Ireland with me and Meagan. We took her shopping in Dublin, travelled around the country with the SMC girls, showed her Maynooth's glorious south campus, and enjoyed dinner with our international friends. However, I have a feeling that the best part was going to a real Irish pub.

Well, those are my adventures so far! Once I get over this cold, you can expect plenty more!

Megan =)

Wednesday, February 10

Joining the Irish

Well it's been exactly two weeks now, and it feels like it's been two months. I feel right at home, surrounded by friends that have made my life so much more enjoyable. I have close friends from France, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Palestine, and even America! Hopefully I'll learn from this cultural mixture and be more accepting of differences =) Oh, yeah -- and I forgot to mention my Irish friends. So far I haven't really met a whole lot of Irish folk, other than the Gaelic football team and a few other random lads. But they're absolutely hysterical. I love the Irish accent and I'm beginning to fall in love with the culture. I'm seriously thinking about moving here once i graduate from college in America. I don't know how to leave a place so saturated in history.

The architecture is just stunning as well. I love photography and took my DLSR over to south campus to shoot a few of the buildings and ended up spending 3 hours on only a quarter of the campus!! The rest of my pictures can be found at http://www.facebook.com/album.phpaid=2032426&id=1166430252
Beyond that, nothing new has really happened. I've just been enjoying my time with my friends and doing everything I can to have fun! I cooked an authentic Italian meal with an Italian, had an Irish guy cook me dinner, and ate a delicious meal at a local pub. I jumped the train to Dublin and went through an epic viking museum, watching Brendan get into a fight with the gift shop owner along the way. Well, those are my epic adventures for now. I'll be back later with more stories to share =)

Monday, February 1

Birthday In Dublin

I'm now officially 20!!!! A group of us went into Dublin to celebrate on Saturday. A speedy train ride (only 20 mins) took us into the heart of the city and we headed straight off to major tourist destinations. First we visited Trinity College, one of the oldest and most respected universities in the world. It's beautiful architecture made the trip worthwhile and the cobblestone sidewalks made me love Ireland more and more =) The grassy knolls were off limits, but we sneaked in a step just to get a good picture ;)

After Trinity College, we headed over to Temple Bar Cultural Center to grab a bite to eat. We had an English meal of fish and chips in a cozy pub. Then we ran off to Dublin Castle and St. Patrick's Cathedral. Both were absolutely stunning coupled with the setting sun. Then we headed down to the mall to get some shopping in for the girls of the group, where I bought myself a nice European scarf =) Then we planned on going to a local pub when three of us decided to get a ride on a horse-drawn carriage. We were whisked around the city, glimpsing the sunset in between buildings and bathing in the orange twilight.
After the ride, we decided to hitch a train back to Maynooth and enjoy a birthday dinner in my honor. We had pasta with a tossed salad (gourmet, I know haha). For dessert, Mary and Alayne baked me some brownies, topped with 20 candles, and everyone sang me Happy Birthday. It was a wonderful dinner and I'm so thankful for all my new friends =) After dinner, we had a night out on the town. I got dressed up in some clothes I had bought earlier and we headed over to the Roost. We tried to get as many Irish boys as possible to kiss my cheeks and buy me drinks. I ended up having an amazing birthday, and it was a wonderful start to an adventurous semester! The last two days I've been going to the pubs and just enjoying myself there. No, I haven't gotten really drunk. You can just sit and enjoy the company at the pubs. It's a much calmer atmosphere than American bars.

On a more studious note, I started classes today!! I had Irish Studies (Literature) and Irish History. Unfortunately, I was quite bored in both, but I think once I get more sleep the night before, my attention span will increase ;) Well I'm having a great time here, and I can't wait to get out and travel even more!!! Love you all!!

Megan =)